S3Rs (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle): As waste material countermeasures, the 3Rs require reductions in the volume of waste through product resource conservation, longer life of products and reduced generation of by-products in production processes (Reduce); reuse of components (Reuse); and recycling of components (Recycle).
ASR (Automobile Shredder Residue): After disposal of fuel, oil and other liquids by end-of-life vehicle dismantlers, the engines, transmission, tires, batteries and other parts are separated, and the remaining bodies and other parts are dispatched to a shredding facility. They are turned into shredder residue after steel and nonferrous metal particles are separated out for recycling. Recycling technology for this residue is now under development.
AT-PZEV: Advanced technology PZEV – meets PZEV requirements and has additional zero-emission characteristics, like operation by natural gas or by hybrid car's batteries.
End-of-life vehicles: Vehicles that are no longer used for transportation, traditionally disposed of by dismantling, destroying, burning or landfill.
Environmental impact: That which, as a result of human activity, affects the environment and is a cause of interference in environmental conservation.
Greenhouse gases: These are gases (CO2 , methane, CFC alternatives and others) that absorb the heat (infrared rays) released by the sun-warmed surface of the earth and cause global warming. Greenhouse gases absorb heat and warm the air, but as their density increases, more heat is absorbed, and the air temperature rises, resulting in global warming.

LEV: Low-emission vehicle. The basic standard for 2004 vehicles in California. (It is stricter than Tier 2, the federal standard for 45 states and the District of Columbia.)
PZEV: Partial zero-emission vehicle – Meets SULEV tailpipe standards, has zero evaporative emissions and a 15-year or 150,000-mile warranty on the PZEV equipment.
Recycling-based society: As an alternative to the existing high-consumption, high-waste society, this is an economic society that aims at the simultaneous achievement of environmental consideration and the pursuit of economic rationally through the reduction, reuse and recycling of waste material, restricting as much as possible the use of new resources and minimizing the volume of emissions.
SULEV: Super-ultra-low-emission vehicle – 90 percent cleaner than the average 2003 automobile.
ULEV: Ultra-low-emission vehicle – 50 percent cleaner than the average new 2003 automobile.
Zero emissions: This aims at building a recycling-based society in which the recycling of waste from industrial and other activities and the prevention of waste generation results in a society with no waste. “Zero emissions” has a variety of meanings, but for Subaru it means activities that result in a zero level of waste material to be disposed of in landfills.
ZEV: Zero-emission vehicle – has no tailpipe emissions and is 98 percent cleaner than the average 2003 car. Includes battery-electric vehicles and hydrogen fuel-cell cars.
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